Monthly Archives: June 2016

24 06, 2016

Fire from Heaven

2021-12-02T12:34:40+00:00June 24th, 2016|

James and John were exasperated when a Samaritan village rejected  Christ. They wanted to respond by calling down fire from heaven. The Lord rebuked them for their impetuosity (Lk.9:51-62). Later, their impulsive suggestion was strangely fulfilled, but in a way they could not possibly have imagined. What they had previously asked for is what actually happened on the day of [...]

17 06, 2016

Faith of our Fathers

2021-12-02T12:34:26+00:00June 17th, 2016|

St John Fisher and St Thomas More gave their lives rather than betray their Catholic faith. They were martyred for their belief that the Catholic Church is the Church Christ founded, and therefore no secular or royal power on earth can replace the universal authority given by God to the Holy Father, the Bishop of Rome, over that Church and [...]

10 06, 2016

The Propriety of Love

2021-12-02T12:34:11+00:00June 10th, 2016|

Simon the Pharisee invited the Lord to dine with him. At such banquets the guests would leave their sandals at the door as they came in, and then reclined to eat, lying on low couches with their feet stretched out behind them. Visitors both invited and uninvited would come in through the open door of the house. Only the invited [...]

4 06, 2016

From Sickness to Health

2021-12-02T12:33:55+00:00June 4th, 2016|

Christ’s teachings open up the path to spiritual fulfilment and holiness, and by His divine power He does even more. At His hands even the tyranny of physical death is overcome. In the town of Nain He gave us a sign of that promise when He saw the only son of a widow being carried out for burial. The compassion [...]

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