Monthly Archives: November 2016

25 11, 2016

Back to Reality

2021-12-02T12:40:41+00:00November 25th, 2016|

Advent brings our wandering attention back to the four Last Things; death, judgement, hell and heaven. In Advent we look up towards the transcendental horizon from whence Christ the Lord will return. The coming of the Lord is contemplated under a double focus. First we are assailed by St John the Baptist, the Lord’s stern and uncompromising precursor. John warns [...]

19 11, 2016

The Powers of the Heavens will be Shaken

2021-12-02T12:40:28+00:00November 19th, 2016|

Christ’s prediction of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem was fulfilled in AD70. In our own day and indeed in every generation another of His divine prophecies is also proved true - that His disciples can always expect to suffer persecution and ill-treatment. When we look at the present state of the Church Christ founded maybe we are sometimes [...]

11 11, 2016

We Will Remember Them

2021-12-02T12:40:16+00:00November 11th, 2016|

O valiant hearts who to your glory came through dust of conflict and through battle flame; tranquil you lie, your knightly virtue proved, your memory hallowed in the land you loved. Proudly you gathered, rank on rank, to war as who had heard God's message from afar; all you had hoped for, all you had, you gave, to save mankind [...]

1 11, 2016

Purgatory – The Church Expectant

2021-12-02T12:40:03+00:00November 1st, 2016|

At its particular judgement the soul sees the unveiled splendour of the Godhead. In that instant the soul also realizes how unfit it is for heaven, and so it longs for its purging to begin. Metaphors can play some part in helping us to understand our faith. Some people imagine sinking down into purgatory, as though into a lake. Others prefer Dante’s [...]

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