Monthly Archives: March 2017

17 03, 2017

The Raising of Paolo Massimo

2021-12-02T12:45:00+00:00March 17th, 2017|

FROM THE LIFE OF OUR GLORIOUS PATRIARCH ST PHILIP NERI APOSTLE OF ROME Fabrizio de’ Massimi, who has been so of- ten mentioned, had five daughters by his wife Lavinia de’ Rustici, and she was again preg- nant, and the pains of labour had even com- menced when Fabrizio went to ask the holy fa- ther to pray for his [...]

1 03, 2017

The Season of Lent

2021-12-02T12:44:40+00:00March 1st, 2017|

In Lent we follow our Lord into the desert; not the literal desert of Palestine, but the desert which will surround us whenever we deny ourselves some of the comforts and props of life. Such comforts, though not wrong in themselves, can become barriers. By stripping some of them away, we make more space, clear more ground, for a closer [...]

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