Monthly Archives: April 2017

22 04, 2017

Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us

2021-12-02T12:46:27+00:00April 22nd, 2017|

The encounter with Christ which was granted to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus was certainly one of high strangeness. It seems incredible that they did not at first recognize Him. If one of our nearest and dearest had died before our eyes, and then three days later 'appeared' to us, would we not recognize them? How changed [...]

15 04, 2017

Powerful Because True

2021-12-02T12:46:15+00:00April 15th, 2017|

The resurrection of Christ was of a wholly different category of reality from the resuscitation of Lazarus. Lazarus was given a temporary reprieve. He would later die again and return to the tomb. By contrast, Christ rose from the dead to a new and glorified life, never to die again. He rose from the dead to life in the Spirit. [...]

8 04, 2017

Holy Week with Newman

2021-12-02T12:46:04+00:00April 8th, 2017|

"As the solemn days proceed, we shall be especially called on, my brethren, to consider His sufferings in the body, His seizure, His forced journeyings to and fro, His blows and wounds, His scourging, the crown of thorns, the nails, the Cross. They are all summed up in the Crucifix itself, as it meets our eyes; they are represented all [...]

1 04, 2017


2021-12-02T12:45:51+00:00April 1st, 2017|

The raising of Lazarus is a most suitable subject for our contemplation during Passiontide. We would be missing the most important meaning of that gospel miracle if we thought of it as simply an exercise of human affection. Christ Himself says that the meaning is greater than that: "This illness is not unto death; it is for the glory of God…" The [...]

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