Monthly Archives: May 2017

25 05, 2017

Thou Art Gone Up on High

2021-12-02T12:46:56+00:00May 25th, 2017|

Christ the King returns in triumph to the celestial glory, with our human nature conjoined to His divinity. Where He has gone we long to follow. We fix our hearts and minds on reaching that realm where we hope to be crowned, one day. We have to live in this material world always remembering that we were made for heaven. [...]

6 05, 2017

The Crowning of Innocence and Simple Faith

2021-12-02T12:46:43+00:00May 6th, 2017|

Two illiterate peasant children, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, were with their cousin Lucia dos Santos when "a Lady-Shining-More- Brightly-Than-The-Sun" appeared to them six times between 13th May and 13th October 1917. Francisco and Jacinta both died young of influenza, the so-called Spanish Flu. Francisco died when he was 10 years old (1919), Jacinta when she was 9 years old (1920). Both were [...]

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