Monthly Archives: July 2017

31 07, 2017

Saint Ignatius Loyola

2021-12-02T12:48:13+00:00July 31st, 2017|

Ignatius was born in 1491, the eleventh and last child of a Basque noble, the doyen of the castle at Loyola in Guipuzcoa, Northern Spain. His early life was at court and in the army. In 1521 a canon ball fractured his shin and thigh. The broken bones in his leg were wrongly set, so it was decided to break [...]

15 07, 2017

Praise the Precious Blood

2021-12-02T12:48:01+00:00July 15th, 2017|

Our faith in the salvation which the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ offers mankind also imposes on us a grave responsibility to tell others about it. If we really believe what we say we believe, then we should want to shout it from the rooftops. The desire to tell others the truth about Christ the Redeemer should motivate us every [...]

12 07, 2017

St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More

2021-12-02T12:47:46+00:00July 12th, 2017|

In 1535 Bishop John Fisher and Chancellor Thomas More were put to death for their belief that the Catholic Church is the Church Christ founded. They died because they believed that no secular or royal power on earth can replace the authority given by God to the Holy Father, the Bishop of Rome, over all national and local Churches, over [...]

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