Monthly Archives: March 2018

31 03, 2018

Corporeal and Glorified

2021-12-02T12:54:57+00:00March 31st, 2018|

After the resurrection Christ's bodily presence was puzzling, to say the least. The Lord’s risen and glorified body constituted a new type of reality not previously seen or known. The apostles had seen Him die and now He was with them once again, in the body, but strangely different. One major difference was that His glorified body was no longer [...]

25 03, 2018

Holy Week with Newman

2021-12-02T12:54:44+00:00March 25th, 2018|

“A great number of men live and die without reflecting at all upon the state of things in which they find themselves. They take things as they come, and follow their inclinations as far as they have the opportunity. They are guided mainly by pleasure and pain, not by reason, principle, or conscience; and they do not attempt to interpret [...]

17 03, 2018

Hoc Passionis Tempore

2021-12-02T12:54:29+00:00March 17th, 2018|

Christ’s Precious Blood redeemed all mankind, once and for all; past, present and future. It bought us back from our previous ownership by the Devil. Does that mean that we are all saved? Secundum quid. We are most certainly all redeemed, but that does not mean that we are automatically all saved. We have to lay hold of the redemption won for us by Christ, [...]

13 03, 2018

The Raising of Prince Paolo Massimo

2021-12-02T12:54:12+00:00March 13th, 2018|

THE RAISING OF PRINCE PAOLO MASSIMO Et resedit, qui erat mortuus, et coepit loqui. And he who was dead sat up and began to speak. In Rome on 16th March 1583, in the presence of a number of witnesses, Father Philip Neri performed an astonishing miracle. He raised to life a dead boy, the fourteen year old nobleman, Prince Paolo [...]

10 03, 2018

Rejoice! Passiontide is Coming

2021-12-02T12:53:44+00:00March 10th, 2018|

In the gospel for Laetare Sunday the feeding of the five thousand gives us good reason to rejoice, even as Passiontide approaches. Next Sunday is Passion Sunday, the start of the most intense period of the Church’s year. We should now take stock of our Lenten efforts so far, and if necessary renew our resolutions, in preparation for Passiontide and [...]

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