Monthly Archives: December 2018

24 12, 2018

The Word Made Flesh

2021-12-02T12:59:20+00:00December 24th, 2018|

Before the start of what we call ‘time’, the reason, the meaning, and the power behind everything that exists were already fully there, and always had been. God was there from before all beginnings. His Mind is the source of everything that has ever been created. No single thing that exists has any meaning outside of the meaning that [...]

2 12, 2018

Alma Redemptoris Mater

2021-12-02T12:59:05+00:00December 2nd, 2018|

All human souls born into this world are images of God. Unfortunately they all arrive partially spoiled – except for one. There is one reflection of Himself into which God has poured all His artistry, and which He has not allowed to be damaged in any way. In the Blessed Virgin Mary, God shows us what Eve was before [...]

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