Monthly Archives: February 2019

13 02, 2019

Second Newman Miracle

2021-12-02T13:01:28+00:00February 13th, 2019|

With great joy we have learned that Pope Francis has authorized the promulgation of a decree confirming a miracle through the intercession of Blessed John Henry Newman, the founder of the English Oratory. The miracle occurred in May 2013 in the USA. An expectant mother was suffering from unstoppable internal bleeding which threatened the life of her child in [...]

1 02, 2019

Our Mother Also

2021-12-02T12:59:35+00:00February 1st, 2019|

The Blessed Virgin Mary and St Joseph her spouse most chaste presented the Son of God in the Jewish temple. In thanksgiving they offered a blood sacrifice of two pigeons. With that modest offering the entire sacrificial cultus of the Jewish temple was brought to its proper conclusion, truly speaking. Messiah, the Desire of all nations, had finally come to His [...]

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