Yearly Archives: 2020

15 12, 2020

Sermon for Gaudete Sunday in Advent

2021-12-02T13:09:34+00:00December 15th, 2020|

Today’s introit and epistle bid us always to rejoice in the Lord. Should we make this a daily resolution? “Today I’m going to be joyful.” No, that won’t work. We might resolve to be more charitable or more patient. Charity and patience are virtues, good habits. We acquire those virtuous good habits by repeating them over and over again. We [...]

9 12, 2020

Sermon for the Immaculate Conception

2021-12-02T13:09:30+00:00December 9th, 2020|

The Birmingham Oratory parish is dedicated to our Lady’s Immaculate Conception and so we have the privilege of being under her special patronage. In order for our understanding of our Lady’s sinlessness to be more than merely theoretical, God has given us a way of approaching it that is personal and truly human. He has given us the beautiful devotion [...]

9 10, 2020

Sermon for St John Henry Newman’s Feast

2021-12-02T13:09:05+00:00October 9th, 2020|

We are told that four babies are born on earth every second. In the same moment, a comparable number of souls who have lived their allotted span in this world are leaving it behind as they are called to their final destiny in eternity. The flow of individual human souls in and out of this world is unending. New lives [...]

5 10, 2020

Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius original score digitised

2020-10-05T15:40:12+00:00October 5th, 2020|

The original score of Edward Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius, a setting of the poem by Cardinal Newman, is now available to view online after a digitisation project completed at the Oratory earlier this year. The project was carried out in partnership with Dr Joanna Bullivant of Oxford University, the National Institute for Newman Studies, the British Library and the [...]

14 06, 2020

Sermon on the Opening of Churches

2021-12-02T13:08:58+00:00June 14th, 2020|

In the Bible, there is no hard and fast distinction between public worship and private prayer. In the Gospels, Our Lord, quoting the Prophet Isaiah, condemns those who honour God with their lips, but whose hearts are far from Him. In other words, engagement in external ritual without an inward dedication of heart is of no use spiritually. Equally, the [...]

31 05, 2020

Sermon for Pentecost

2021-12-02T13:08:22+00:00May 31st, 2020|

This sermon was preached at the 11am High Mass on Whit Sunday. The Bible is so sparing in the incidental details that it gives of the ministry of Our Lord and the Apostles, that when such details are given you can be sure that some significance is intended. When some of those who witnessed the prodigious wonders of that [...]

27 04, 2020

Catechism for Children

2020-09-05T16:39:54+00:00April 27th, 2020|

This series of instructional videos is based on lessons in the Light of the World books. We hope that pupils at our primary school, the Junior Oratory and our many Catholic families will find them useful in helping them to learn more about our holy Catholic Faith. Videos 1. God 2. Our Lady 3. The Blessed Trinity 4. [...]

22 04, 2020

Sermon for Low Sunday

2021-12-02T13:06:36+00:00April 22nd, 2020|

"…the doors were closed in the room where the disciples were, for fear…" The disciples were afraid they were going to suffer like the Master Himself had suffered, so they locked themselves away, petrified. Then miraculously, Christ stands among them, reassuring them with the breath of the Holy Spirit that He is truly risen, truly alive. In the present [...]

13 04, 2020

Sermon for Easter Sunday

2021-12-02T13:07:25+00:00April 13th, 2020|

This sermon was preached at the solemn Mass on Easter Sunday, which can be viewed here. Towards the end of Evelyn Waugh’s novel Brideshead Revisited, there’s a scene where Cordelia describes the deconsecration of the Marchmain family chapel. Having removed the Blessed Sacrament and the altar stone, the priest: … emptied the holy-water stoup and blew out the lamp in [...]

4 04, 2020

Letter from the Parish Priest

2021-12-02T13:07:40+00:00April 4th, 2020|

Dear Parishioners and Friends, We hope that you are all in good health and virus-free! It pains us that, for the first time since the foundation of the Oratory here in Birmingham, we are not able to celebrate the ceremonies of Holy Week together. As we all know, participating in the Sacred Triduum is a great source of spiritual renewal [...]

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