Monthly Archives: December 2020

15 12, 2020

Sermon for Gaudete Sunday in Advent

2021-12-02T13:09:34+00:00December 15th, 2020|

Today’s introit and epistle bid us always to rejoice in the Lord. Should we make this a daily resolution? “Today I’m going to be joyful.” No, that won’t work. We might resolve to be more charitable or more patient. Charity and patience are virtues, good habits. We acquire those virtuous good habits by repeating them over and over again. We [...]

9 12, 2020

Sermon for the Immaculate Conception

2021-12-02T13:09:30+00:00December 9th, 2020|

The Birmingham Oratory parish is dedicated to our Lady’s Immaculate Conception and so we have the privilege of being under her special patronage. In order for our understanding of our Lady’s sinlessness to be more than merely theoretical, God has given us a way of approaching it that is personal and truly human. He has given us the beautiful devotion [...]

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