Please contact one of the Fathers of the Oratory. We will be very happy to try and help you.

Are you looking for the true meaning of your life? Do you want to come closer to God? Do you want to know more about the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church?

We can help you. We ourselves cannot give you the supernatural gift of faith, a gift which enables us to believe without doubting all that God has revealed. Only God can give you that. What we can do is help you understand it better, and how to go about asking for it.

Faith is not easy. It is not something that we can manufacture. The gift of faith is something that God will give us, if we sincerely and humbly ask for it. We will not have a single specific moment of ‘enlightenment’ when everything becomes clear in an instant. Generally, God does not work like that. Most often, He allows the gift of faith to seep into us, and gradually to take root within our hearts and minds. Coming to faith may involve months of asking for the gift, as well as listening and reflecting. Not everything will be clear all at once. The Holy Spirit will guide our understanding. All of this will take time and prayer.

Christianity is a revealed religion. Its beliefs are not man-made. The teachings of the Catholic Church have not been invented by the Church. We believe that God revealed Himself to mankind by gradually communicating Himself through words (messages) and deeds (interventions). That revelation reached its fulfilment in the life of Jesus Christ. In Christ, God has told us everything about Himself. Christ is the final revelation. In Christ, the mysterious and invisible God has come close, and has made Himself visible, and accessible.

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