Dear Friends,
As you can see from the photographs, the restoration work on the roof of the Cardinal’s Library and adjacent roofing is going at a fine pace. The lantern roof, which was in danger of collapsing, has been reconstructed using whatever elements of the old structure were salvageable. New glass, wood and metal were also employed, and the top of the lantern re-leaded. The pitch of the surrounding roofing has been accentuated to facilitate speedy drainage, and to avoid possible flooding. It has now been possible to begin the removal of the scaffolding, which has hitherto covered the roofing in order to protect it. Light has begun to penetrate some parts of the building which have been shrouded in darkness since last September!
We will shortly begin the painstaking process of returning the books to the library, to the original positions where the Cardinal’s own hands placed them. Over the coming weeks, we will be showing you more photographs as work progresses towards its conclusion.
Our fundraising efforts are going well. Thank you to all who have given so generously. We have now raised over £700,000 of the £1 million cost of the project. There is still some way to go, however, and the Fathers ask your help to raise the remaining sum.
If you wish to make a donation, you can do so through the PayPal link at or by bank transfer to the following account:
Svenska Handelsbanken
Account Name – The Oratory of St. Philip Neri at Birmingham
Whether or not you are able to make a financial contribution, please do keep the project in your prayers, to help us preserve the wonderful patrimony of our beloved Cardinal, Saint John Henry Newman.
Yours devotedly,
Fr Anton Guziel
Parish Priest