If you would like to arrange a Baptism, please make an appointment with the Parish Priest.
Baptism means immersion. In the waters of baptism, we are immersed into the death of Christ, and this makes it possible for us to share His resurrection. It is a new birth which washes away all sin (both original sin and any actual sin). Through baptism, the life of God the Blessed Trinity floods into our soul. We become adopted sons/daughters of the Father, members of Christ, and temples of the Holy Spirit. We are given the early seeds of faith, hope and charity. All this imprints the soul with an indelible seal – the mark of God’s ownership.
Baptism is the first of the seven Catholic sacraments to be received. Baptism cannot be repeated, nor can it ever be taken away.
Since the earliest times, baptism has been administered to children. In the case of children who are too young to make the necessary act of faith for themselves, their parents and God-parents make it for them. Being a God-parent is a serious responsibility.
Baptism is a great occasion in anyone’s life, and the life of their family. It should always be celebrated with joy. By our baptism we become members of the universal Church which always rejoices at the new birth of another beloved son/daughter. Baptism is the start of our journey to heaven, the start of our eternal life.
Infant baptism in our church is for those who live and/or practice in the Oratory parish.