Confessions are available before all public Masses


7.30am Mass (Latin)
8.30am Mass (English)
10.30am High Mass (Latin)
12.15pm Mass (English)
4.30pm Sung Vespers & Benediction (Latin)
5.30pm Mass (English)


7.30am Mass (English)
12.30pm Mass (English)
5.45pm Mass (Latin) preceded by Rosary at 5.25pm

Devotions to St Philip and blessing with relic on Monday after 12.30pm Mass.
Exposition on Thursdays after 5.45pm Mass (with Benediction) and on Fridays from 2-5pm.


9am Mass (Latin) followed by Holy Hour and Benediction
11am Mass (English) followed by devotions to St John Henry Newman
5.30pm Mass of Sunday (English)